Question: 1 / 50

What is implicated by the idea of the sublime?

The importance of beauty in art

The power of nature over mankind

The need to isolate oneself from society

The beauty and terror of vastness

The idea of the sublime refers to an experience of awe and terror in the face of something grand or overwhelming. This can include the beauty and terror of vastness in nature, as well as other awe-inspiring experiences such as the power and complexity of the universe. Option A is not the best answer because while beauty can be a part of the sublime, it is not the only factor at play. The sublime encompasses a range of emotions and reactions, not just the appreciation of beauty. Option C is incorrect because it implies that isolation is a necessary aspect of the sublime. While solitude may enhance the experience of the sublime for some, it is not a defining feature. Option B is also incorrect because it oversimplifies the idea of the sublime by reducing it to the power of nature over mankind. While this can certainly be a part of the experience, it does not fully capture the complexity and depth


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